PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Note that PDF copies are available by clicking on article titles.
(*indicates student/post-doc collaborator; underline indicates senior author or authors)
(*indicates student/post-doc collaborator; underline indicates senior author or authors)
- *Jian, J., X. Du, and R. D. Stewart. A database for global soil health assessment. Scientific Data (in press).
- *Bierer, A., R. O. Maguire, M. S. Strickland, R. D. Stewart, and W. E. Thomason. Evaluating dairy manure application method on soil health and nitrate. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (in press).
- *Chen, J., K. J. McGuire and R. D. Stewart. Wildfire in the Southern Appalachian Mountains affects soil hydrophobicity and infiltration. Hydrological Processes (in press). doi: 10.1002/hyp.13583.
- *Lee, R., K. J. McGuire, B. D. Strahm, J. Knoepp, C. R. Jackson, and R. D. Stewart. Revisiting the Hewlett and Hibbert (1963) hillslope drainage experiment and modeling effects of decadal pedogenic processes and leaky soil boundary conditions. Water Resources Research (in press).
- Stewart, R. D., A. S. Bhaskar, A. J. Parolari, D. L. Herrmann, *J. Jian, L. Schifman, W. Shuster. 2019. An analytical approach to ascertain saturation-excess versus infiltration-excess overland flow in urban and reference landscapes. Hydrological Processes (in press). doi: 10.1002/hyp.13562.
- *Gyawali, A. J., B. J. Lester, and R. D. Stewart. 2019. Talking SMAAC: A new tool to measure soil respiration and microbial activity. Frontiers in Earth Sciences. 7(138): 1-8. doi: 10.3389/feart.2019.00138.
- *Basset, C., M. R. Abou Najm, A. Ammar, R. D. Stewart, S. Hauswirth, and G. Saad. 2019. Physically based model for extracting dual-permeability parameters using non-Newtonian fluids. Vadose Zone Journal. doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.09.0172.
- Di Prima, S., M. Castellini, M. R. Abou Najm, R. D. Stewart, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, t. Winiarski, L. Lassabatere. 2019. Experimental assessment of a new comprehensive model for single ring infiltration data. Journal of Hydrology. 573: 937-951. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.077.
- *Radolinski, J., *J. Wu, K. Xia, W. C. Hession, and R. D. Stewart. 2019. Plants mediate precipitation-driven transport of a neonicotinoid pesticide. Chemosphere. 222: 445-452. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.01.150.
- Stewart, R. D. 2019. A generalized analytical solution for preferential infiltration and wetting. Vadose Zone Journal. 18(1): 1-10. doi: 10.2136/vzj2018.08.0148.
- *Shulte, M. L., D. L. McLaughlin, F. C. Wurster, J. M. Varner, R. D. Stewart, W. M. Aust, C. N. Jones and *B. Gile. 2019. Short- And Long-Term Hydrologic Controls on Smoldering Fire in Wetland Soils. International Journal of Wildland Fire. doi: 10.1071/WF18086.
- *Gyawali, A. J. and R. D. Stewart. 2019. An improved method for quantifying soil aggregate stability. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2018.06.0235.
- *Shulte, M. L., D. L. McLaughlin, F. C. Wurster, K. Balentine, G. K. Speiran, W. M. Aust, R. D. Stewart, J. M. Varner, and C. N. Jones. 2018. Linking ecosystem function and hydrologic regime to inform restoration of a forested peatland. Journal of Environmental Management. 233:342-351. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.042.
- Stewart, R. D., *J. Jian, *A. J. Gyawali, W. E. Thomason, B. D. Badgley, M. S. Reiter, and M. S. Strickland. 2018. What We Talk about When We Talk about Soil Health. Agricultural & Environmental Letters. 3(1). doi: 10.2134/ael2018.06.0033.
- Stewart, R. D. 2018. A dynamic multi-domain Green and Ampt infiltration model for shrink-swell soils. Water Resources Research. 54(9):6844-6859. doi: 10.1029/2018WR023297.
- *Chen, J., C. Shang, M. J. Eick, and R. D. Stewart. 2018. Water repellency decreases vapor sorption of clay minerals. Water Resources Research. 54(9):6114-6125. doi: 10.1029/2018WR023352.
- Stewart, R. D. and M. R. Abou Najm. 2018. A brief overview of field measurements of soil cracks. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2018.01.0044.
- Stewart, R. D. and M. R. Abou Najm. 2018. A comprehensive model for single ring infiltration 1: Influence of initial water content and soil hydraulic properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2017.09.0313.
- Stewart, R. D. and M. R. Abou Najm. 2018. A comprehensive model for single ring infiltration 2: Estimating field-saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2017.09.0314.
- *de la Mota, F. J., S. D. Day, J. S. Owen, R. D. Stewart, M. S. Steele, V. Sridhar. 2018. Porous-Permeable Pavements Promote Growth and Establishment and Modify Root Depth Distribution of Platanus ×acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. in Simulated Urban Tree Pits. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 33: 27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.05.003.
- *McCourty, M., *A.J. Gyawali, and R. D. Stewart. 2018. Of macropores and tillage: influence of biomass incorporation on cover crop decomposition and soil respiration. Soil Use and Management. doi: 10.1111/sum.12403.
- *Radolinski, J., *J. Wu, K. Xia, and R. D. Stewart. 2017. Transport of a neonicotinoid pesticide, thiamethoxam, from artificial seed coatings. Science of the Total Environment. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.031.
- Stewart, R. D., J. G. Lee, R. A. Darner and W. D. Shuster. 2017. Modeling hydrological response to a fully-monitored urban bioretention cell. Hydrological Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.11386.
- *Bierer, A. M., R. O. Maguire, M. S. Strickland, W. E. Thomason, and R. D. Stewart. 2017. Effects of dairy slurry injection on carbon and nitrogen cycling. Soil Science. doi: 10.1097/SS.0000000000000209.
- Stewart, R. D., M. R. Abou Najm, D. E. Rupp, and J. S. Selker. 2016. Modeling multi-domain hydraulic properties of shrink-swell soils. Water Resources Research. 52. doi:10.1002/2016WR019336.
- Stewart, R. D., D. Moreno, C. T. Gregory and J. S. Selker. 2016. Evaluation of infiltration discharge as a strategy to meet effluent temperature limits. Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. doi: 10.1061/JSWBAY.0000818.
- Stewart, R. D., M. R. Abou Najm, D. E. Rupp, and J. S. Selker. 2016. A Unified Model for Soil Shrinkage, Subsidence, and Cracking. Vadose Zone Journal. 15(3): 1-15. doi: 10.2136/vzj2015.11.0146.
- Stewart, R. D., Z. Liu, D. E. Rupp, C. W. Higgins and J. S. Selker. 2015. A new instrument to measure plot-scale runoff. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. 4: 57-64. doi:10.5194/gi-4-57-2015.
- Stewart, R. D., D. Moreno, and J. S. Selker. 2014. Quantification and scaling of infiltration from a constructed infiltration wetland. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 04015007. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001164.
- Stewart, R. D., M. R. Abou Najm, D. E. Rupp, J. W. Lane, H. C. Uribe, J. L. Arumí, and J. S. Selker. 2015. Hillslope runoff thresholds in shrink-swell clay soils. Hydrological Processes. 29(4): 557-571. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10165.
- Stewart, R. D., M. R. Abou Najm, D. E. Rupp, and J. S. Selker. 2014. Non-destructive quantification of macropore volume using shear-thinning fluid. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2013.08.0346.
- Uribe, H. C., D. E. Rupp, J. L. Arumí, R. D. Stewart, and J. S. Selker. 2014. Assessment of current and potential yield of hand-dug wells in a semi-arid zone in south-central Chile using an analytical methodology. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. doi:10.4067/S0718.
- Petrides, A. C., R. D. Stewart, R. Bower, R. Henry, and R. H. Cuenca. 2014. Scaling recharge rates from pilot projects of managed artificial aquifer recharge. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 20(8). 05014028. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE).HE.1943-5584.0001102.
- Stewart, R. D., D. E. Rupp, M. R. Abou Najm, and J. S. Selker. 2013. Modeling effect of initial soil moisture on sorptivity and infiltration. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20508.
- Stewart, R. D., R. W. Hut, D. E. Rupp, H. Gupta, and J. S. Selker. 2012. A resonating rainfall and evaporation recorder. Water Resources Research. 48(8):W08601. doi: 10.1029/2011WR011529.
- Stewart, R. D., M. R. Abou Najm, D. E. Rupp, and J. S. Selker. 2012. An image-based method for determining bulk density and the soil shrinkage curve. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 76(4):1217-1221. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2011.0276n.
- Stewart, R. D., M. R. Abou Najm, D. E. Rupp, and J. S. Selker. 2012. Measurement tool for dynamics of soil cracks. Vadose Zone Journal. 11(2). doi: 10.2136/vzj2011.0048.
- Stewart, R. D. and M. R. Abou Najm. 2017. Field Measurements of Soil Cracks. Methods of Soil Analysis, 2017(1). Soil Science Society of America. (ed.) S. Logsdon. doi:10.2136/msa2015.0043.
- Selker, J. S. and R. D. Stewart. 2011. Soil Physics with HYDRUS: Modeling and Applications. Vadose Zone Journal.
- *de la Mota, F., S. D. Day, J. S. Owen, and R. D. Stewart. 2016. Porous pavement effects on rooting depth and growth of newly planted trees in sidewalk cutouts. In VI International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture 1189, 371-376. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1189.71.
- *Fields, J. S., J. S. Owen, R. D. Stewart, and J. Heitman. 2015. Utilizing the HYDRUS Model as a Tool for Understanding Soilless Substrate Water Dynamics. Utilizing the HYDRUS model as a tool for understanding soilless substrate water dynamics. In International Symposium on Growing Media, Composting and Substrate Analysis-SusGro2015 1168, 317-324. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1168.41.